For Colleges & Universities

On average, employers rated graduating students’ proficiency levels 24% lower on 7 out of 8 of NACE’s Career Readiness competencies than students rated themselves.

Focusing on career readiness through industry-aligned curriculum and experiential learning opportunities is more important than ever.

Co-Curricular Program Design

Experiential learning plays an essential role in student career readiness. I support higher ed programs in designing, building, and running high-impact co-curricular programs including those focused on internships, mentorship, job shadowing, industry engagement, career readiness education, and capstone projects.

Curriculum Support

Bridging the gap between academia and industry is difficult. I support outdoor economy-focused higher ed programs through curriculum reviews, curriculum revisions, and the design and development of new curriculum that better aligns what is taught in the classroom with what is needed in outdoor economy careers.